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Nulsen Primary School is based in Esperance WA





KindiLink is a play-and-learn initiative for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who are not yet old enough to enrol in school. 

KindiLink is provided in 38 public schools. Children attend with a parent/carer for six hours a week. KindiLink offers high quality play-and-learn sessions for children and their parent/carer at the participating schools, at no cost to families. 

There is a growing body of evidence that participation in Kindilink has a positive impact on children’s learning and social and emotional development. 

Families are supported by a teacher and AIEO to be actively involved in the activities with their children. 

Children and families from outside a KindiLink school’s catchment area are welcome to participate in KindiLink. KindiLink at Nulsen runs every Monday from 12:50pm - 2:50pm, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am to 11am.  Children attending, must do so with a parent or carer.

Every Wednesday, non-Aboriginal parents/carers from the community are invited to participate in the Kindilink program. Sessions include music, dance, play, learning games and activities, conversational reading & shared morning tea in the early childhood indoor and outdoor environments.

A child health nurse from Esperance Population Health attends every alternate Wednesday session at Nulsen and is available for parents and carer support, questions and child health needs.