Dress at school should be of a high standard. To achieve this it is expected that students will wear school uniform at school and at all functions when they are representing the school. Parents and carers are asked to support the school in the wearing of school uniforms. They have been chosen to cut expense, be practical and more importantly to maintain tone and pride in our school. Uniforms with the school logo can be purchased from HASLAMS. Below are the requirements needed
Pants Skirts & Shorts: Navy or black. Skirts and shorts must be at a minimum mid thigh in length, ie: basketball shorts/skorts
Shirts: Navy blue and yellow or navy blue
Jumpers: Navy with yellow collar
Jackets: Full zip up windbreaker
Please Note: Students are not to wear makeup of any kind. Socks must be worn unless children are wearing open toed shoes or sandals. All personal property, including clothing, needs to be clearly marked with the child’s name.