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Nulsen Primary School is based in Esperance WA





Nulsen Primary values the healthy development of every child so that each has the knowledge, competency and resilience to be successful in today’s rapidly changing world.

Our GOAL is to:

Engage all teachers, administrators, students and families in working together as a learning community that is dedicated to caring and support, active participation and positive expectations for all students.

Nulsen Agreements is a process that develops a positive school environment through encouraging schools, families and communities to create a healthy atmosphere in which children can learn. It aims to raise levels of academic achievement by providing a way to build a learning community with a focus on collaboration, socialisation and intellectual development, using a range of cooperative learning strategies.

Our five Nulsen Agreements are:

  • Attentive Listening

  • Mutual Respect

  • Appreciations/No Put Downs

  • Right to Participate/Pass

  • Personal Best and Personal Responsibility



The funding is intended to help schools implement whole school mental health frameworks for all students: including evidence based mental health and social & emotional learning (SEL); and to ensure a number of staff are trained in: Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Youth Mental Health First Aid; and Mind Up. The funding runs for four years which allows time for solid outcomes in Social and Emotional Learning. This initiative will help provide opportunities for students to develop mental health knowledge, skills and competencies.