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Nulsen Primary School is based in Esperance WA



Krystal Wiggins

Deputy Principals

Janet-Marie Wombell

Leisa Berryman

Manager Corporate Services

Kylie Fletcher

School Officer

Abbey Berryman

Natalie Parmar

Learning Support Coordinator

Leisa Berryman

Curriculum Leader

Ellie Lane


Janelle Butler


Alice Wilson

ICT Officer

Kia Mellor


Shannon Bowen


Sally Christinger

Lissa Mesec

Hayley Fletcher


Steve White


Kindy - Tania Dornan & Nat Eather

PP/1 - Claire Ardagh

Year 1/2 - Natalie Miller & Ellie Lane

Year 1/2 - Emily Glasson

Year 2/3 - Talia Hoogewerf

Year 3/4 - Bradley Lamprey

Year 3/4 - Blake Howieson

Year 5/6 - Keighan Roser

Year 5/6 - Kathy Loader

Kindilink - Tania Dornan

DOTT Providers - Scott Suttar, Dharma Nind & Abigail Mader

Area 6 Step In - Lynne Norwood

Education Assistants

Early Childhood - Rani Hotker, Naomi Johnson, Lee-Ann Kilbey & Grace Buttle

Junior - Naomi Johnson, Melinda Mayberry, Peta Dixon & Renae Major

Middle - Jess Sewell, Kym Perks, Renae Major & Katie Crawley

Senior - Nicky Rigby & Kerri Richardson

Special Programs - Sonia Major

AIEOs - Bianca Bambra (BB) & Karen Kickett