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Nulsen Primary School is based in Esperance WA




NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Each year the Nulsen Primary School Community celebrates NAIDOC at a time best aligned with the National celebration date.

Celebrations include participation from students, families and the broader school community and are highly anticipated and well respected by participants. They range from in school assemblies and presentations to sharing of culture, meeting with local elders and excursions to explore our Nyungar history and significant landmarks.

It is important to remember that while NAIDOC is celebrated nationally over a specific week in the July school holidays. At Nulsen, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture is embedded across our teaching and learning programs as a cross curricular priority and provides students with the skills, knowledge and understandings necessary for positive participation in society. 

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